I want to add Peta's picture with a link on my website, but it needs code and the code is like this: <a title="HelpingAnimals.com" href="http://www.helpinganimals.com?c=habanner02"><img src="http://www.peta.org/actioncenter/images/webbanners/newdisaster.gif" alt="HelpingAnimals.com" height="60" width="468" border="0"></a>
The questions are: which part of this code should I copy? Is it the same system as adding a simple video, for example, from youtube?
I know how to add video, then i get BB codes panel and HTML codes panel and I put those codes in the right places, but what to do with Peta when its just a simple picture?
I tried a lot to add it, but I could not. Once it worked with Greenpeace, but now again it is not working.
And what is that banner?