1. No Cheat 2. No Mods
3. No Spamming(flooding)
4. No Offensive language
5. No Spawncamping
6. No Spawnkill
7. No Teamkill
8. No Stupid or inappropriate names
9. No Suicides
10. No Pings above 250
11. No "Noobstyle"(jumping, jumpshots, shooting with no zoom on, shooting at teammates or attacking them with any weapon, to put teammates into a dangerous situation, not giving a safe way for teammates to pass through, etc.)
12. Any actions that could cause a damage or inconvenience for teammates or server will be accepted as an offensive activity and depending on a harm it has caused we will take relevant actions.
13. If a player ignores any these rules he will be kicked or banned.
14. If you think the ban was a mistake feel free to post about it in the Ban appeal category in our forums.