Most of u have probably noticed, that wer updating the embattl3D channel.
New videos have been uploaded. At the moment our target is tutorials. So after all we have the following tutorials on utube:
'LOSV weed-off'
'LOSV grenades tower1'
'LOSV grenades tower2'
'LOSV grenades tower3'
'LOSV grenades tower4'
Im working with the 'Base grenades' tutorial (eliminating the most common targets over the map) at the moment, and it still needs more material.
The next project is the 'Base sniper' tutorial, where Im gonna demonstrate, expose the best ways of takin out snipers at towers, sumtimes without even being seen. Im sure the most of u will find smth new n interesting.
I have plans with burntforrest, missionarry n perhaps village. Thats gonna b just a show of sum nice sniping n nades. Not as detailed as Base tutorials.
Still I dont think theres a point of making nades n sniping tutorials for any other map apart from base. So thats gonna b a mix of everyhin in 1 vid for a few maps ive mentioned above.
For fun, Im thinkin of sum extraordinary 'red name shot', its a skill or not...well 4 u 2 decide, in my opinion its a sort skill, however its not an appropriate way of playin.
Interesting ideas are welcome.