a quote from Stop Cheats Petition: "Since the invention of games people have been trying to cheat.
We started with "hide-and-seek", counting to 60 seconds was to long for most of us so we simply didn't and stopped counting at 20 seconds. Not even mentioning trying to look where everybody went. You might also remember the other kids saying "That's unfair".
Those times have passed on, or didn't they? Truth most be told, as we think they didn't. We just changed games. Some of us saw the light and felt sorry for the "clean" players.
But some didn't, and that is where our problem starts. As most of us moved on to online games so did the cheating. Our games are being flooded with cheats created by hackers and even complete commercial companies that have been set up with one goal only: 'creating cheats'. They have no fear for justice. And to be honest, they have nothing to worry about.
Although creating cheats is forbidden by the well known copyright act nobody seems to care about the fact that it's illegal to create or even publish cheats.
With this act game developers/publishers could start a law suite for every cheat website around. Problem is, this would take an immense amount of time and money.
Stop-Cheats.com was founded for this reason only, our goal is to create a discussion and go even further. We will be offering this petition to multiple official organizations and governments with a proposal that we have set up to stop cheats developers in there tracks.
Support our efforts, Sign the petition now!"