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Forum moderator: BlueNight  
strange auto ban
Roca Date: Monday, 14 Mar 2011, 05:48 | Message # 1
Posts: 54
City: hermosillo
Joined: 13 Jan 2010

This has happened to me only with magnanimo, it happened after i trew him a LAW rocket , he was hiding somewhere, he didnt die, and suddenly ooops!

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SHADOW Date: Monday, 14 Mar 2011, 10:48 | Message # 2
Posts: 239
Joined: 14 Feb 2009
Well game thinks he moded something seriously or harmed your server in some way. Usually autokick is used. Strange, but I have never seen such thing in my server.
This isnt the first case for you, some chinese was autobanned some time ago.
I think this has something to do with all that extra maps, objects, models and so on. Could be that some kind of file responsible for autokicks were replaced with a version from dd2 or dd1, so now you have autobans.

EDIS Date: Monday, 14 Mar 2011, 18:43 | Message # 3
Posts: 276
City: London
Joined: 12 Feb 2009
Roca, Ive seen sum U4G have been auto-banned from ur server, bcoz of connection issues.
Its never happened on my server, actualy the 1st time i saw d 'auto-ban' was on ur server.
Quote (SHADOW)
Could be that some kind of file responsible for autokicks were replaced with a version from dd2 or dd1, so now you have autobans

ya thats the losv PB happy

...:::"respect the aspect of expect"- Sir Cr4p:::...
Roca Date: Monday, 14 Mar 2011, 19:53 | Message # 4
Posts: 54
City: hermosillo
Joined: 13 Jan 2010
Ya, but it happened with Magna and terminator , both are on the same net, it happend 5times with them, with U4g just a couple,, and my game is clean, i just added that map, i dont have mods, so hehe very weird. Magnas ping was bouncing a bit, from the normal 168 to 184-210 on my server.
EDIS Date: Monday, 14 Mar 2011, 20:10 | Message # 5
Posts: 276
City: London
Joined: 12 Feb 2009
in 2003 ive been playing the losv with my 512 Kb DSL connectionon on an usa server with a downloads program running alwise.
i was thinkin 2 myself, why does nobody ping was really high, not stable. autokicks, ghosting were often.
however ive never got auto-banned.

my thought is - in 2011 we can do better than 512 Kb, downloads off, mexico-chile r closer than ltu-usa...autoban?

...:::"respect the aspect of expect"- Sir Cr4p:::...
SHADOW Date: Monday, 14 Mar 2011, 23:04 | Message # 6
Posts: 239
Joined: 14 Feb 2009
Exactly. it is strange you know. If game autobans some1 it is for a reason.
Could be problems on player end, like their mods etc.
u4g were experimenting with models and stuff alot, maybe they were testing it on your server and game reacted with autoban. As you said, it happened few times only. My guess they moved all their work to losa, so autobans stopped.
Magna and terminator... Who knows, maybe they have some moded stuff there as well. There are nsk, winter models, stuff that comes with maps etc. If you do not know how to install them, you get your game messed up. Difference is - they could be playing with it. So they keep getting autobans. It wouldnt be a big surprise, they all try to make their game "easyer", since they think all others do the same.
Thats a wild guess, but it has some background.

If we think a bit further from all models stuff, connection problems could be the case too. Maybe their connections are interfering somehow. Too many KEY packets lost, too high or too low bandwith, blocking of server requests, even intentional lagging with programs. Could be any of it, since it is important to normal gameplay and can effect server state - they are removed.

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