This well known word came from two different words - old and school, that can have many different meanings when its going together or dispersed.
Actually, it means "oldtimers" ( we go...another term lol), old players, old gamers of the specific game, who have experience, skills, tactics. ATTENTION! Score isnt the most important factor, when we are talking about experience, skills, tactics. Every gamer has his own gaming attitudes, purposes and aims, everybody has an individual way of playing/gaming...and this is it!
OLDSCHOOL is the way of playing/gaming, for example - no teamkill, no spawnkill, no spawncamping, no camping, no sub- and mashineguns, no shooting at players when they are typing, NO INSULTS (alwise polite), no flooding/spamming chat, no teamtazing, no jumping like crazy arroud the area and s
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